Traffic and accident prevention

Small children - big hats
Traffic and accident prevention
On this page you will find information on all aspects of road safety. Our road safety advisors advise the various target groups on safe participation in road traffic.

Road safety work

The Gelsenkirchen police want to make the roads in the city safer and further reduce the number of road deaths and injuries. Sometimes this also means breaking new ground. With this in mind, the North Rhine-Westphalian police rely on a wide range of options in their traffic accident prevention and road safety work.

In some areas, the police are the organizer and driving force. In other areas, such as with schools as part of cycling training or "Crash Kurs NRW", it is a supporter.


Traffic accident prevention

Traffic accident prevention (road safety education, traffic information and public relations work) is intended to help prevent traffic accidents.

It is primarily aimed at target groups with an increased risk of traffic accidents, e.g. children, young adults and senior citizens. Through road safety education and road safety awareness, the risks and personal responsibility in road traffic are made aware, positive behavior patterns are conveyed and cooperative behavior is highlighted as exemplary. This task is primarily carried out by specially trained road safety advisors. Officers from the district service and the patrol service are involved in providing advice, for example through educational talks.

The Gelsenkirchen police offer traffic accident prevention events for people of different age groups. Priority is given to particularly vulnerable target groups such as children, young adults, pedestrians, cyclists and senior citizens. Accompanying public relations work is also used to inform a wide audience about the risks of road traffic accidents

Road safety advice
at PP Gelsenkirchen
Ordnungspartner informieren Erstklässler und Eltern.
An important task of the police is to increase road safety and provide the public with preventative information in order to avoid dangerous situations on the roads.
Young road users are involved in accidents disproportionately often. In order to make this age group in particular aware of their responsibility and dangers on the road, the police regularly raise awareness - with emotional presentations.
In five explanatory videos, the Gelsenkirchen police show pre-school children how to behave correctly in road traffic.
Serious traffic accidents also occur because drivers of large vehicles do not see pedestrians or cyclists next to and behind them. The police raise awareness of the dangers of the "blind spot".
Schwerpunktarbeit der Polizei ist es Gefahren abzuwehren. Gerade im Straßenverkehr kann man viele Gefahren vermeiden, wenn man sich korrekt verhält und sein eigenes Auto kennt. Die Polizei Gelsenkirchen bietet in einem Kurs Informationen dazu.
More and more e-scooters are populating city centers. Officially, the vehicles that are called e-scooters in the press are small electric vehicles. It sounds dry, but it is already boosting mobility in many other European city centers. What do I need to bear in mind when I'm out and about on an e-sc...
Schule hat begonnen! Auch in Gelsenkirchen gehen nun wieder tausende Jungen und Mädchen zum Unterricht, unter Ihnen auch viele Erstklässler! Damit sie alle gesund zur Schule kommen, informieren die Ordnungspartner über Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr
The management
The Traffic Directorate is responsible for all matters relating to road traffic.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110