Crossing the road safely with the police in video training

Crossing the road safely with the police in video training
In five explanatory videos, the Gelsenkirchen police show pre-school children how to behave correctly in road traffic.

Safe to school and back - for many pre-school children, life finally starts in earnest after the summer vacations. Normally, the road safety advisors from the Gelsenkirchen police practice the correct behavior in road traffic with the kindergarten children before they start school and explain how to cross the road correctly in different situations. However, as this was not possible due to the pandemic situation and the pre-school children still need to be able to move safely in traffic, the Gelsenkirchen police have produced five explanatory videos. The aim is to teach the children how to behave at a traffic island, for example, or how to cross the road correctly if an obstacle restricts their view.

All Gelsenkirchen kindergartens that now train their pre-school children to walk safely to school using the videos will receive a pedestrian driving license for the children - our seal of approval that they have mastered safe behaviour in road traffic.


Part 1 - Without visual obstruction

1:52 Gelsenkirchen police

Part 2 - With visual obstruction

1:53 Gelsenkirchen police

Part 3 - The traffic island

1:28 Gelsenkirchen police

Part 4 - The traffic light

2:02 Gelsenkirchen police

Part 5 - The crosswalk

1:27 Gelsenkirchen police
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110