
Press relations
The aim of our communication is to make police actions transparent and understandable.

The freedom of the press guaranteed in the German constitution is one of the outstanding features of a democratic constitutional state. It creates the conditions for the formation of will and opinion. Public authorities are therefore obliged to provide representatives of the press with the information they need to fulfill their public duties.

Press relations

The employees of the press office provide information on events relevant to the police in accordance with Section 4 of the NRW State Press Act.

They produce daily press reports, answer inquiries from media representatives, are available to journalists for interviews and organize press conferences. In special situations, such as demonstrations, major events, high-profile criminal cases or major incidents, they set up a mobile press office at the scene to provide the media with up-to-date information and thus enable objective reporting.

Public relations

Public relations work comprises the internal and external presentation of police work, insofar as it is not press work.

In addition to the creation and distribution of information materials such as brochures, flyers and posters, the internal intranet and public internet presence of Gelsenkirchen Police Headquarters is created and maintained from here. The employees are also responsible for the authority's social media presence. The Gelsenkirchen police are represented on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

In addition, police events of all kinds are organized.

Social Media
The NRW police use social networks to reach more people than almost any other medium. Practically in real time. Facebook, X, Instagram and co. also offer the opportunity to talk to people. This means that this communication channel is not a one-way street.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110