The Transport Directorate

Traffic control
The Transport Directorate
The Traffic Directorate is responsible for all matters relating to road traffic.

The head of the Traffic Directorate is Police Senior Officer (POR) Andreas Kluth.

The following departments belong to the Traffic Directorate:

Transport Directorate

The management unit advises and supports the Head of Directorate. It coordinates the tasks within Directorate V and is the link to the other directorates of Gelsenkirchen Police Headquarters. It also plans and supports major operations.

The "Traffic Management and Evaluation" department is attached to the command center. Here, the employees analyze the recorded accidents. The data obtained from this allows accident black spots to be identified and enables a targeted response to be made in order to prevent accidents in the future. The officers also advise the city of Gelsenkirchen on safety issues relating to the design and signage of traffic areas.

Traffic Inspection 1

Traffic Inspectorate 1 is primarily responsible for monitoring road traffic, traffic control and traffic accident prevention.

  • Traffic Department (VD)
    The focus of the VD's activities is on operationally combating the main causes of accidents. Radar vehicles, single-sided sensors and laser technology are used for speed checks.
    The traffic service also monitors commercial goods and passenger traffic. Another area of activity is escorting heavy goods vehicles through the city. The VD officers regularly carry out traffic control measures as part of special operations on the occasion of a wide variety of major events.
  • Traffic safety work/victim protection
    The road safety advisors train and inform citizens of different age and target groups in traffic-friendly behavior through specially tailored programs and high-profile campaigns. They incorporate current developments in the local accident situation, such as the increase in accidents involving children, pedestrians or cyclists, into their programs.

    In the area of victim protection, our employees provide assistance and support to the victims of road accidents with serious consequences to help them come to terms with what they have experienced.

Traffic Inspection 2 (VI 2)

In VI 2, the officers handle all traffic accidents in the city of Gelsenkirchen, as well as investigations into all traffic offenses and misdemeanors. Furthermore, they also support other authorities in their proceedings if corresponding requests are made.

Significantly fewer cyclists and pedelec riders involved in accidents, but a sharp increase in the total number of traffic accidents - this is the traffic accident report from the Gelsenkirchen police for the past year 2023, which was published on Monday, March 18, 2024.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110