Domestic violence situation report

Domestic violence
Domestic violence situation report
A total of 30,759 cases of domestic violence were recorded in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2021. This corresponds to an increase of 5.5% compared to the previous year.

The "Domestic violence" situation report, which was compiled for the first time for the 2020 reporting year, only considers cases in which the victim and suspects were living in the same household at the time of the crime, regardless of the relationship they had with each other. This means that in addition to partnerships, other relationships (e.g. parent-child) in which cases of domestic violence occurred are also considered here.

This approach to the criminal analysis of domestic violence differs from the partnership violence situation report. The partnership violence situation report only looks at victims and suspects who are in a relationship with each other (spouses, registered partnerships, partners in non-marital partnerships or former partnerships).

Domestic violence is not a separate criminal offense. There are numerous criminal offenses such as assault, coercion or rape that trigger ex officio police action. The place of the incident can also be outside the home, e.g. on the street, at work or in other places. However, the home itself is often the scene of the crime.


The "Domestic violence" situation report includes the following criminal offenses:

  • Murder and manslaughter,
  • Rape,
  • Sexual assault (including sexual assault),
  • Sexual abuse of children,
  • Sexual abuse of minors,
  • Pimping,
  • Forced prostitution,
  • Bodily injury resulting in death,
  • Dangerous and grievous bodily harm,
  • Mistreatment of persons under protection,
  • Simple assault with intent,
  • Deprivation of liberty,
  • coercion,
  • Threat,
  • Stalking and
  • Other criminal offenses (with victim registration)


Facts on "domestic violence":

  • Domestic violence is not a private matter and not a petty offense!
  • The perpetrators will be prosecuted.
  • Domestic violence is committed regardless of age, gender, relationship, sexual orientation, social class or origin.
  • Domestic violence is a permanent or repeat offense.
  • Children are also affected by domestic violence if they learn about violence as a conflict resolution pattern in their family, experience violence themselves or observe it. Children need qualified support in order to process and cope with their experiences of violence.
  • The police refer victims individually to victim support organizations.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110