Cyberbullying: digital attacks with the smartphone

Cyberbullying: digital attacks with the smartphone
Mean words, insults and slander in the virtual world are on the rise.

Cyberbullying is widespread among children and young people. There is hardly a school that is not affected. Cyberbullying involves many aspects that cannot be legally recorded and yet have a major impact on the victims - for example, if they are constantly ostracized or treated like air.

Cyberbullying is the insulting, exposing, threatening or harassing of a person over a longer period of time using modern means of communication such as computers or smartphones. Cyberbullying can include various criminal offenses - such as insult, defamation, slander, breach of confidentiality, stalking, coercion, blackmail and violation of the right to one's own image. It is difficult to legally record cyberbullying as a whole, as it involves many individual acts that can take very different forms.

The NRW State Prevention Council has produced the film series "Cyberbullying" together with the NRW State Criminal Police Office. The series consists of four films and depicts a specific case of cyberbullying from different perspectives. The films were produced with the kind support of the NRW Working Group for the Protection of Children and Young People and the LWL Clinic in Marsberg.


Cyberbullying perpetrators

4:06 min LKA NRW

Cyberbullying victims

4:52 min LKA NRW

Cyberbullying environment

4:50 min LKA NRW
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