The Gelsenkirchen police headquarters

Tim Frommeyer
The Gelsenkirchen police headquarters
Here you will find an overview of the structure and the people responsible for the Gelsenkirchen police headquarters

On Monday morning, January 15, 2024, Tim Frommeyer took up his position as the new head of the authority at the police headquarters. In his new role, he not only represents the Gelsenkirchen police to the outside world, but as a good superior, he naturally also wants to create the framework conditions for the continued successful work of the security authority. Tim Frommeyer, who previously worked as First Alderman of the City of Schwerte and as Head of the Schools, Social Affairs, Youth and Culture Department, brings a wealth of specialist expertise with him. However, he also emphasizes that he will rely on the experience and police know-how of his employees.

He also wants to have an open ear at all times for the concerns of his approximately 880 employees and roughly the same number of trainees, for whom he is now responsible. The 43-year-old is particularly looking forward to the familial character of the authority and the many discussions, because he intends to "become part of this team and make my contribution to further strengthening precisely this team spirit of the Gelsenkirchen police". At the same time, he has already assured his colleagues of his support should they experience violence while working to maintain order and security. "There is no justification for insulting, spitting at or injuring colleagues," he said. And When it comes to taking a stand against anti-Semitism, hatred and hate speech, Frommeyer also wants to send a clear signal and take a stand.

The following is an overview of the other people with responsibility at the authority

Polizeioberrätin Leonie Winkler ist als Leiterin des Leitungsstabes unter anderem verantwortlich für die Bereiche Strategie, Controlling und Pressearbeit der Polizei Gelsenkirchen
Die Direktion Gefahrenabwehr/Einsatz wird von Leitender Polizeidirektor Karsten Plenker geführt.
Kriminaldirektor Robert Herrmann ist ranghöchster Kriminalpolizist in Gelsenkirchen und Leiter der Direktion Kriminalität
Polizeioberrat Andreas Kluth ist Leiter der Direktion Verkehr bei der Polizei Gelsenkirchen
Regierungsdirektor Timo Kasperczyk verantwortet die gesamte Verwaltung der Polizei Gelsenkirchen
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110