Top performances in both the patrol car and the rowing boat: police sports awards 2022

Sports award 2022
Top performances in both the patrol car and the rowing boat: police sports awards 2022
Minister Reul: "They are all the best advertisers our police could wish for."
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Ministry of the Interior NRW

Minister Herbert Reul honored the most outstanding North Rhine-Westphalian police athletes of the year 2022 as well as police officers with special merits for sport in Duisburg on 28 April 2023. The athletes showed outstanding performances in various disciplines at national and international championships last year. A total of 48 athletes and one police sports club received the award.

Interior Minister Reul was delighted with the outstanding achievements: "I know that you represent the state of NRW with pride - in sport as well as in your profession. And the state is also proud of you, because you are all the best advertisers our police force could wish for. And I am sure that you enjoy what you do. Keep up the good work and keep at it!"

The police profession demands a lot from police officers on a daily basis, both mentally and physically. Because, whether it's dealing with violent criminals at demonstrations or domestic violence operations on the fifth floor of a residential building, the police profession doesn't work without physical fitness.

Reul is certain: "Police and sport - they simply belong together! Through sport, you know victory and defeat, you can motivate yourself again and again and persevere. Sport helps you to meet the demands of the service. I am convinced that the mentality you have internalized in sport will also benefit you in your day-to-day work."

In addition to Interior Minister Herbert Reul, Duisburg Police President Alexander Dierselhuis and Duisburg Mayor Edeltraud Klabuhn also attended the award ceremony in Duisburg's Steinhof.


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