Official health management of the NRW police

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Official health management of the NRW police
Official health management of the police (BGMPol) NRW - framework conditions for safe and healthy working.

Our health is a precious asset that is particularly important to all of us and to me

(Herbert Reul, greeting Framework Concept 2020)

In order to meet the current and future requirements for a modern, holistic and contemporary BGMPol, the framework concept and service agreement for the BGMPol NRW was adopted in September 2020.

In total, four pillars form the foundation for the diverse field of action of the BGMPol NRW. These include:

  • Occupational health and safety (OHS)
  • Occupational integration management (OIM)
  • Official health promotion (OHP)
  • Psychosocial support (PSU).

The health of all employees is integrated as a strategic factor in the mission statement of the NRW police as a fixed component. Based on the guiding principle "The well-being of employees is in harmony with the performance of the NRW police", a sustainable health culture is integrated into everyday working life and joint action with regard to health is created.

All employees of the NRW police - law enforcement officers, civil servants and government employees - are equally at the center of attention. The measures of the BGMPol are both behavioral and relationship-oriented in order to reduce risk factors, build up protective factors and promote the health potential of employees. Clear structures, allocation of responsibilities and targeted management strategically anchor the OHM in the individual police authorities.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110