Investigation Group 34, responsible for fraud: Detective Inspector Sophie Mohr has switched from patrol duty to the CID. Now she hunts down criminals who rip off their victims on PayPal or eBay classifieds.

Investigation Group 34, responsible for fraud: Detective Inspector Sophie Mohr has switched from patrol duty to the CID. Now she hunts down criminals who rip off their victims on PayPal or eBay classifieds.
Investigation Group 34, responsible for fraud: Detective Inspector Sophie Mohr has switched from patrol duty to the CID. Now she hunts down criminals who rip off their victims on PayPal or eBay classifieds.
Investigation Group 34, responsible for fraud: Detective Inspector Sophie Mohr has switched from patrol duty to the CID. Now she hunts down criminals who rip off their victims on PayPal or eBay classifieds.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110