Illegal car racing

Illegal car racing Cologne
Illegal car racing
The NRW police take consistent and targeted action.

The prelude to illegal motor vehicle races usually goes like this: In the evening hours of the weekends, young drivers meet with their vehicles in parking lots or other well-known meeting places in the major cities of North Rhine-Westphalia. There they present their high-powered vehicles to like-minded people - and arrange to meet up for motor and acceleration races, so-called "street races". The fact is that these races in road traffic are extremely dangerous. Unforeseeable dangerous situations and serious traffic accidents involving bystanders are frequent consequences of accidents. The district police authorities therefore take consistent action against the speeding scene and carry out cross-directorate control measures.

"Anyone who organizes or carries out an unauthorized motor vehicle race on the road, participates as a motor vehicle driver in an unauthorized motor vehicle race or moves as a motor vehicle driver at an inappropriate speed and in gross violation of traffic regulations and recklessly in order to achieve the highest possible speed is punishable by imprisonment of up to two years or a fine." - This is how Section 315d (1) of the German Criminal Code (StGB) has regulated the ban on motor vehicle racing in road traffic since October 2017. This criminal offence was introduced after several bystanders were killed in traffic accidents in connection with illegal motor vehicle racing.


Zero tolerance strategy for violations

The speeding scene is also a growing problem in NRW. The NRW police are therefore taking intensive action against illegal motor vehicle racing on the roads: In 2018, 474 races were prosecuted by the police. With the introduction of criminal liability for unauthorized motor vehicle races in road traffic, it is also possible to confiscate motor vehicles that were used in the context of a prohibited race. The NRW police also systematically and consistently check whether traffic and conduct rules are being adhered to, whether a person is suitable and authorized to drive vehicles and also whether the vehicle in question complies with the regulations. After all, anyone who deliberately puts their own need for speed above the safety of others is at least willingly accepting the risk to life and limb. With their measures, the NRW police clearly show that they do not accept dangerous behavior.

Even speeders know that taking part in a motor vehicle race is prohibited - and yet races continue to take place. This is why numerous district police authorities regularly carry out cross-directorate control measures to combat illegal motor vehicle racing. 

Time and again, races lead to serious accidents. Sometimes they even end fatally. To combat illegal motor vehicle racing, the NRW police rely on consistent intervention, exhausting all legal possibilities.
"Crash Kurs NRW" is a traffic accident prevention program for young adults in which the NRW police, among others, support educational institutions as part of their mobility education. The program is aimed specifically at young people in the 10th and 11th grades as well as vocational school students.
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