The LZPD NRW as a training company - apply now for a secure future

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The LZPD NRW as a training company - apply now for a secure future
We provide training in four professions and are now looking for trainees who want to get started in technology and IT in 2024.

The State Office for Central Police Services NRW is now looking for new trainees for the 2024 training year. We provide training in four different professions and at various locations in NRW. The chances of being taken on after training are good. Our training rooms and training equipment are state of the art and guarantee training at the highest level. We are looking for young talent in the following areas

Car mechatronics

Diagnostics, servicing and maintenance

The LZPD NRW trains vehicle mechatronics technicians in the workshops at the Bochum, Cologne/Brühl, Linnich, Selm and Wuppertal branches. Service vehicles of the NRW police are maintained, serviced and repaired here. Not only patrol cars, but also special vehicles such as water cannons, tractor units and snow clearing vehicles come to the pit here.

IT system electronics


IT systems electronics technicians plan and install customer-specific IT technology systems, configure them and put them into operation. They maintain the systems, analyze errors and rectify faults. They also advise and train customers

IT systems electronics technicians primarily work in companies that offer information and telecommunications technology products and services. They are employed by manufacturers and operators of telecommunications systems and networks, installation companies for security technology and retailers for customer-specific hardware configurations. They also work in engineering offices that plan networks. They are qualified electricians as defined by accident prevention regulations.



At our Duisburg site, we train IT specialists in the fields of application development and system integration.

The content of the specializations overlaps, but the focus is different. In application development, IT processes are mainly adapted to the special needs of the NRW police, new processes are developed and existing processes are maintained. In the area of system integration, the IT procedures are made available to the police authorities in NRW and fault reports are accepted and processed.


The special feature of training at the LZPD NRW is the cooperation with several departments. This allows trainees to familiarize themselves with the processes at LZPD NRW and gain a broad range of knowledge and experience.



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