The current situation in NRW

Photo of a speed measuring device with the inscription This is not a target photo
The current situation in NRW
Illegal car racing is a major issue for the police in North Rhine-Westphalia. Hardly a day goes by without a race or reckless action being detected.

The fact that young adults take part in illegal motor vehicle races is typical of the increased willingness to take risks that is inherent in this age group. However, the consequences of this decision cannot usually be adequately assessed.

This is why the NRW police detect illegal races or reckless driving maneuvers by individuals in many North Rhine-Westphalian cities and districts on a daily basis, sometimes endangering their own safety and that of uninvolved citizens. The perpetrators include road users of different age groups, but the main target group is young men between 17 and 27 years of age.


Participation in illegal races leads to an above-average number of accidents - this accident risk is usually also borne by fellow passengers of the same age and often also by completely uninvolved road users.

In addition to disregarding the prescribed speed and distance, disregarding red lights and making mistakes when overtaking, it is the driver's personal factors such as attitude, values and willingness to take risks that play a decisive role. Reason-oriented actions fail to materialize.


In particular, the idea of being invulnerable leads to the misconception that every driving situation can be mastered. "Accidents only happen to others" is a common misconception among young novice drivers. Until now, there has been a lack of a prevention concept tailored to this target group. With the Responsibility Stops Full Throttle concept, the police are now offering schools an educational concept that reaches pupils, makes them concerned and thoughtful and ultimately leads to good and prudent decisions in road traffic. It is to be integrated into traffic accident prevention work at secondary level 1 (year 10) and secondary level 2/upper school.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110