White-collar crime situation report

White-collar crime
White-collar crime situation report
At 8,245 (6,540), the number of white-collar crime cases in 2022 increased by 26.07% compared to the previous year.

Current situation

The number of white-collar crime cases in 2022 rose by 26.07 percent year-on-year to 8,245 (6,540) offenses. White-collar crime accounted for 0.60 percent (0.54 percent) of the 1,366,601 (1,201,472) offenses recorded in the PKS in 2022. The total damage caused by white-collar crime fell to 361,820,875 euros (528,670,184 euros). This means that the loss is at its lowest level in the last ten years. The share of total losses from all criminal offenses amounting to 1,359,815,795 euros (1,393,547,923 euros) is 26.61% (37.94%).


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