Traveling safely by car in winter

Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Traveling safely by car in winter
Drivers should pay particular attention to this now!
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

The days are getting shorter, the weather is becoming more unpredictable. Rain, aquaplaning, wet leaves, fog, wind, snow and black ice are a real challenge for drivers almost every day in fall and winter. Important: adjust your vehicle and driving style to the adverse weather conditions in good time.


Switch to winter tires now!

Don't wait until you are surprised by the first snowfall, but switch to winter tires early - preferably now. The police recommend fitting winter tires from O for October to O for Easter or at temperatures below seven degrees. Winter tires are mandatory in the event of black ice, slippery snow, slush, ice or frost - and for good reason. Tests have shown that with summer tires, it takes 43 meters to come to a standstill when braking hard from 50 kilometers per hour on a slippery road, compared to 35 meters with winter tires. This shorter braking distance can potentially save lives. Experts recommend a tread depth of at least four millimetres and that winter tires should only be used for a maximum of eight years.


Which tires are suitable for winter use?

Tires that are considered suitable for winter use are permitted. According to the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations, this includes tires marked with the Alpine symbol (mountain pictogram with snowflake). All-weather or all-season tires with an M+S marking that were manufactured before January 1, 2018 (recognizable by the embossed date of manufacture) can still be used until the end of September 2024 as part of a transitional regulation. As tires with the M+S designation are not subject to uniform test criteria, the police recommend tires with the Alpine symbol, for which a minimum grip on snow has been proven for approval.


Attention: fine imminent

Driving with summer tires in snow and ice risks a fine of 60 euros and one point. If this causes an obstruction to other road users, you will even be fined 80 euros and one point - and in the event of a traffic accident, 120 euros and one point. The vehicle owner is also liable for a fine of 75 euros.


Without winter tires, insurance cover is at risk.

In the event of a traffic accident, drivers face unpleasant consequences due to limited insurance cover. For example, the policyholder who was driving without the required winter tires can be asked to pay several thousand euros in the aftermath of a traffic accident.

This also applies to accident victims, where incorrect tires can lead to joint liability for the accident. In this case, the liability insurance of the person responsible for the accident often does not pay the damage in full, but only a certain percentage. It is particularly precarious if injuries have occurred and compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earnings or pension claims are involved.


It is important to drive safely in winter - driving training can help.

Braking distances are increased in rain and snow. It is therefore important in fall and winter to drive with foresight and adapt your driving style to the adverse weather conditions. One way to practice difficult driving maneuvers in a safe environment and under trained instruction is to take part in driver safety training. This allows you to get to know your own limits and those of the vehicle better. Special training courses are offered for senior citizens, young drivers and winter situations.


How do I make my car fit for winter?

  • Top up the antifreeze for the windscreen wiper fluid,
  • check the windscreen wiper blades and replace them if necessary,
  • have the battery, lights and coolant checked,
  • pack an ice scraper, broom and a woollen blanket in the car.


The police wish you a safe and pleasant journey.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110