The State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) profilers in NRW

The State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) profilers in NRW
Analysts behind the scenes
The State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW (LKA) profiler team consists of eleven colleagues. Together they form the "Operative Case Analysis" (OFA) department. They have been supporting the district police authorities in their investigations for 20 years. Who they are, what they can do and where they are deployed.
State Office of Criminal Investigation

Most people only know profilers from television. They are lone wolves. They solve their cases within a few minutes. The end is usually spectacular and the clearance rate is 100 percent.

The State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) profiler is the "police case analyst". That sounds dry at first. However, her everyday life is just as exciting and her work is professional. In contrast to their "TV colleagues", they rarely appear in the media. The focus is not on the individual, but on the success of the team. This does not usually happen overnight. Reality and film have little in common.

The profiler team of the LKA NRW consists of eleven colleagues. Together, they form the "Operative Case Analysis" (OFA) department.

Experts with an advisory function

Unresolved homicide, sexual and state security crimes, arson, robbery or burglary - the LKA profilers can help with investigations in such cases. At the request of the responsible district police authority, they support their colleagues on site with their specialist expertise. They provide independent and neutral advice. The aim is to work together to develop a viable investigation and operational concept. This is the case if it is based on reliable findings, can be systematically checked for possible misjudgements and can be flexibly adapted to new circumstances. The experts provide support for as long as they are needed.

Lots of experience and extensive knowledge

The demands placed on the team members at LKA NRW are high. Only experienced criminal investigators can be found here. They have all spent many years investigating homicide and sexual offenses and have worked in homicide squads. This previous experience is absolutely essential. After all, in-depth knowledge of how such crimes are dealt with, the dynamics that can develop in an ongoing homicide unit and the pressure on police and prosecution decision-makers is crucial for cooperation on an equal footing. In addition, the LKA profilers undergo up to seven years of special training to become "certified police case analysts". They are systematically trained and prepared for their job so that they can apply the methods they have learned regardless of the crime.

Team spirit and social skills

Collegial, reserved and empathetic: in addition to professional qualities, a profiler at LKA NRW needs these characteristics above all. When they are deployed, public interest is usually high. However, the victims and those around them are in an emotional state of emergency. Their well-being is always at the forefront. This requires a great deal of empathy and sensitivity, especially when dealing with the media.

Each case is accompanied and processed by four people. Anyone who is not a team player is eliminated. Advice is provided in the background and with the self-image of being a service provider for colleagues who need their help.

Always informed and well networked

High-quality advice and support - to achieve this goal, LKA profilers are constantly undergoing further training. This provides them with extensive, in-depth knowledge of all current and new investigation and examination methods.

In addition, they maintain a large network and always involve experts in their work. These can be police specialists, such as scientists from the forensic institute of the LKA NRW, mass data analysts, traffic data analysts, etc., or external professionals, such as forensic doctors or forensic psychiatrists.

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