Police at school

A police officer practices safe behavior in road traffic with children
Police at school
Road safety work and advice is intended to help reduce or prevent traffic accidents - especially those involving children. Safe travel to school on foot and by bike is the focus of our road safety work with and at elementary school.
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Road safety work - primary school

The "I-Dötzchen" know the police officer from kindergarten, who will also help them here. What they learned through play in kindergarten, they will now continue to practise.

In the third and fourth grade, bicycle training is part of the lessons. Our road safety advisors support teachers with practical exercises for their pupils in road traffic.

Cities and municipalities offer the youth traffic school as a practice opportunity in the "shelter". In preparation for the practical part on the roads, pupils can practice there in a "taster course" for third grade and intensive cycling training for fourth grade on a protected training course. Teachers and road safety advisors from the police also work together here if necessary.


The "I-dolls" are coming!

Every year, when thousands of "I-Dötzchen" start elementary school for the first time across the country, the police keep a watchful eye on them. Equipped with satchels, writing utensils, pens and books, their thoughts are on school and less on the dangers of road traffic.

The first day of school marks the start of a new phase of life for children. This also includes the journey to school. Their attention is distracted on the way to school or home. They are full of impressions and experiences, romp and play with other children and react spontaneously.

In addition, children perceive road traffic differently. They cannot judge speeds and distances in the same way as adults. Children cannot yet see over cars and are recognized very late or not at all by other road users. So there are many reasons to prepare children for the journey to school in good time.

What is the best way to prepare for the journey to school?

Don't wait until the first day of school. Take the opportunity early on and explore the safest way to school together with your child. Practice correct behavior at potential danger points (roadworks, parked vehicles, cycling on sidewalks, etc.). Determine the route together. Many schools have maps showing safe routes to school. Be sensitive and respond to your child's questions and fears, but also encourage independence. Ask the school whether a "walking bus" is offered.

What do I need to bear in mind when driving my child to school?

Remember that a child who has not yet reached the age of 12 or is smaller than 150 cm must have a suitable restraint system during the journey in seats for which seat belts are prescribed. If a suitable restraint system is missing, a fine may be imposed.

The child seat should be officially tested and approved, which you can recognize by special markings. Read the operating instructions for the restraint system. With booster seats, make sure that the adult seat belt is positioned clearly over the collarbone and not too close to the neck. The lap belt should really go over the pelvis and not over the abdomen. For example, little horns on the sides of the booster seats can help with this.

Fasten your own seat belt in the car and set a good example.

Stop at specially designated parent stops (parent cab stop) at the school. Let your children get out on the sidewalk and watch out for bicycle and pedestrian traffic.

At what age should children be allowed to cycle to school?

During the third and fourth grades, intensive cycling training takes place in the schools. This ends with a final ride and an exam. Children should not cycle to school before this phase.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110