Make your bike fit for the dark season with good lighting

PP Aachen
Make your bike fit for the dark season with good lighting
Next weekend is the time change. The days are getting shorter and the weather is becoming more unsettled. It's time to check your bike lights.
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

The fall and winter months in particular, with rain, fog and snow, make visibility difficult. Seeing and being seen is the be-all and end-all in road traffic. It is also important for cyclists to check their lights and make sure they are clearly visible. The new regulations on bicycle lighting make it easier to equip your bike safely and in accordance with regulations for road traffic.

In summer 2017, the Federal Ministry of Transport completely revised § 67 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO) on bicycle lighting. The regulations are more up-to-date and practical. They make it easier for cyclists to equip their bike safely and in accordance with the regulations for road traffic.


Bicycle lighting now also available with batteries

Bicycle lighting may now also be equipped with batteries. Previously, only rechargeable batteries or rechargeable energy storage devices were permitted as an alternative to dynamos. However, not just any lighting can be used on a bike. The components used must have the test mark of the Federal Motor Transport Authority. The so-called K number is identified by a wavy line, the capital letter K and an approval number and is mandatory for all lights in road traffic.

Another point that benefits sporty riders in particular is the elimination of the second red reflector. In addition to the rear light, only one red reflector (not triangular) of category "Z" must be fitted. This may now also be integrated into the rear light.


Daytime running lights and brake lights are permitted

Another new feature is that headlights may now be equipped with daytime running lights and main beams. However, the headlights must be adjusted so that they do not dazzle other road users. A brake light integrated into the rear light is now also permitted.


Lighting may also be left at home

Removable lights such as battery or rechargeable battery lighting no longer have to be carried at all times. They only need to be fitted at dusk, in the dark and when visibility conditions require it.


Correctly fitted "spoke sticks" are permitted

There is also an innovation with "spoke sticks". If you install these on your bike, a reflective stick must be attached to each individual spoke - then they are permitted.


Second headlight

Two headlights or reflectors may now also be attached to the bike. This is even mandatory for bikes over one meter wide - this may apply to cargo bikes.


Turn signals for recumbent bikes

In addition, turn signals may be used on the bike. Turn signals are permitted on recumbents or on bicycles where a hand signal is difficult to recognize. Flashing front and rear lights remain prohibited on bicycles. However, these may be worn on the body as additional lights.


Special regulations for bicycle trailers

For bicycle trailers sold from January 1, 2018, special regulations apply with the new § 67a StVZO:

  • At least 50 percent of the rear light of the bike must be visible. If this is not the case with a trailer, it must also be fitted with a rear light.
  • Trailers with a width of 60 centimetres or more must be fitted with two white reflectors to the front as well as a red rear light on the left-hand side and two red reflectors.
  • Trailers with a width of more than one meter also require a white front light.
  • Depending on the width, an additional rear light and additional reflectors may be fitted. The installation of indicators to change direction is also permitted.


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