Information on the controls of the transit ban in Lüdenscheid

Control of a truck
Information on the controls of the transit ban in Lüdenscheid
Since June 12, we have been monitoring the ban on vehicles over 3.5 tons imposed by the city of Lüdenscheid with the support of police authorities from all over NRW.

The number of heavy goods vehicles passing through during the main control periods has fallen from 3,056 to 2,354. This corresponds to a decrease of around 26% and is in line with the subjective impressions we have been given in connection with our checks and which we actually perceive to be the case.

Around 31% of the relevant vehicles have been stopped and checked since the start of the operation. 1,944 could not show authorization, were sanctioned and turned back. 67% of road users violating the transit ban were driving with a foreign vehicle registration. 6,331 were authorized. A further 3,244 had an exemption permit from the city of Lüdenscheid. The proportion of those who were able to present an exemption permit rose from 13% to 28% between 12.06.2023 and 30.06.2023. This is also accompanied by an increase in approved passages by vehicles that are actually classified as through traffic. In purely mathematical terms, the proportion of through traffic is therefore around 45%.


The proportion of drivers checked who have a special permit has now risen to around 28%. In contrast, the proportion of those violating the transit ban has only been reduced slightly to around 17%.


The monitoring strategy will be adjusted from 05.07.2023 based on the findings to date. Different checkpoints will be manned on a daily basis depending on the situation and the monitoring times will also vary. For another four weeks, we will be supported by riot police units and traffic service specialists from various district police authorities. Around a quarter of the approx. 200 officers deployed each day will be provided by us as the Märkischer Kreis district police authority during the checks.

In addition to the pre-planned operations, one of the focal points of the daily tasks will be monitoring transit bans. Against the background of the general legal mandate for the police, however, it is also important to continue to do justice to other core police issues throughout the district. As before, the checks will be carried out in close cooperation with the Lüdenscheid public order office, which is also responsible for monitoring the ban on through traffic.


We will continue to analyze our measures as the operation progresses. We will evaluate their effect against the background of the personnel available.



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