Dringend Hörverdächtig - Broadcast in May: Training in the NRW police force

Urgent listening: training episode
Dringend Hörverdächtig - Broadcast in May: Training in the NRW police force
How do you join Team 110!? How exactly does training with the police work? Either directly after school or as a career changer. We provide answers, here on "Dringend hörverdächtig":

Tim and Marie are 21 and 24 years old and almost at the end of their training. They told us why they decided to join the police, how they got through the selection process and how exciting their first assignments were.

What requirements do you have to meet to train with the police? Are tattoos allowed and is there actually a minimum height requirement? Patrick Hambusch provides the answers. Patrick is a recruiter for the police in Bielefeld and a chief inspector himself.

The following applies to police training: you have to go to a technical college. Either here in Bielefeld or at another location in NRW. You can apply after graduating from high school, after completing a technical high school diploma or as a career changer after training.

Michaela Quandt explains how the course works. She is a police chief inspector and a member of the training management team.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110