Commercial passenger and freight transport

Commercial passenger and freight transport
In June 2014, the Federal Ministry of Transport published its traffic forecast up to 2030: traffic will increase significantly.
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

According to the traffic forecast published by the Federal Ministry of Transport on 18.06.2014, freight traffic will increase by 39 percent and passenger traffic by 13 percent by 2030.

In the following section you will find more information about the results of the 2030 traffic forecast, truck accidents, driver assistance systems and long-distance driver round tables.

Key results of the 2030 traffic forecast in detail

In freight transport, the continued strong momentum of international trade with its impact on cross-border (+ 42%) and transit traffic (+ 52%) is clearly noticeable; inland traffic is also growing strongly (+ 31%). Rail will have the strongest growth in transport performance at around 43%, followed by HGVs at around 39% and inland waterway vessels at around 23%.

Motorized passenger transport will continue to increase - despite the declining population. The increase in car traffic of around 10 percent is primarily due to greater "automobility" among older population groups. Public road passenger transport, including long-distance bus services, will increase by 6 percent. Rail transportation increased by around 19 percent. With an increase of around 65 percent, air traffic continues to be a growth sector.

The 2030 traffic forecast is the basis for the work currently underway on the 2015 Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan (BVWP). The macroeconomic evaluation phase of the approximately 2,000 project proposals submitted for the creation of the new BVWP can now begin. The project proposals will be subjected to a standardized evaluation, for example: cost-benefit analysis, environmental and spatial planning assessment.

Source: Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)

Truck accidents

The consequences of truck accidents are most severe on freeways.

According to police findings, the main causes of truck accidents on freeways are distance and speeding violations as well as lane changes.

In addition, there are certain "specific factors" that are significant factors for the severity of accidents on freeways. These factors include:

- Driving speeds (the permitted 80 km/h is often exceeded)
- Distraction (e.g. talking on the phone or making coffee while driving)
- Monotony
- Low seatbelt use
- Failure to comply with driving and rest periods
- Cargo not (sufficiently) secured.

Support for difficult situations: Driving assistance systems

What technical solutions are available and how can they help to prevent or at least reduce traffic accidents and their often serious consequences?

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are additional electronic devices. They support drivers in certain situations. They act partially or completely independently on the drive, steering (e.g. accelerator, brake) or signaling devices or give a brief warning before/during critical situations; however, the responsibility remains with the driver.

Different systems are available. The most important driver assistance systems include

- Adaptive Cruise Control,
- Active Brake Assist,
- Lane Guard System,
- Lane Change Assist and
- Electronic Stability Program.

The Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) automatically adjusts the driving speed and distance to the vehicle in front depending on the selected presettings. However, it only reacts from a speed of 25 km/h and is particularly useful on dual carriageways and freeways. The core element is a radar sensor with a visibility range of approx. 150 meters, which detects the distance and relative speed of the car in front in its own lane. The central control unit calculates the best approach from the data obtained in this way, your own lane progression, your own speed and the driver's actions, and acts on the engine speed and brakes (continuous and service brakes). Speed, acceleration and deceleration are actively controlled to maintain the distance.

The Active Brake Assist (ABA) is an emergency brake assist system and is an extension of the adaptive cruise control described above to prevent rear-end collisions. If the distance to the car in front is too short, the driver is warned by a visual signal. If the driver does not react, an acoustic signal follows. If the driver still does not react, the system automatically triggers partial braking. If there is again no reaction from the driver, the vehicle is brought to a standstill by automatic emergency braking. Although this technology cannot always prevent accidents, it significantly reduces the speed of a collision and therefore the potential serious consequences of an accident.

The Lane Guard System (LGS) keeps the vehicle in its lane. If the vehicle leaves its lane without indicating (driving too close to the hard shoulder or central reservation or unpaved roadsides), the system warns the driver visually, acoustically or by means of a vibration alarm, thus ensuring increased attention.

The Lane Change Assist (LCA) warns of a possible collision with cars and people coming from behind or in the blind spot when overtaking. It is activated by activating the blinker.

The Electronic Stability Program (ESP) acts on the brakes and/or drive of a vehicle in difficult driving situations (e.g. excessive speed in bends, different or poor road surfaces). This reduces the drive to the wheels or brakes one or more wheels. This can prevent oversteering or understeering.


The following safety systems are intended for commercial passenger and freight transport:

Electronic Vehicle Stability Control (EVSC)
Source: Regulation (EC) No. 661/2009 in conjunction with UNECE Regulation 13

. UNECE Regulation 13

Lane Departure Warning System - LDWS (Lane Departure Warning Systems)
Source: Regulation (EC) No. 661/2009 in conjunction with Regulation (EU) No. 351/2009. Regulation (EU) No. 351/2012

Advanced emergency braking systems - AEBS (Advanced Emergency Braking Systems)
Source: Regulation (EC) No. 661/2009 in conjunction with. Regulation (EU) No. 347/2012

Driver assistance systems increase safety for all road users. They take the strain off the driver and get them safely to their destination. However, assistance systems do not relieve the driver of responsibility. They can support them so that they can concentrate better on the flow of traffic and wherever technology can react better and faster than humans.


Truck driver get-togethers

For many years, regular drivers' get-togethers have been held on freeways, now at numerous locations throughout Germany. Police officers and drivers meet there to discuss traffic-related problems in an informal setting.

You can find a summary of long-distance drivers' get-togethers held throughout Germany here:

Fernfahrerstammtisch in NRW are held by the Düsseldorf and Münster police.

The Fernfahrerstammtisch Düsseldorf takes place every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5 to 7 pm at the "Ohligser Heide Ost" rest and refueling area, BAB 3, Arnheim direction lane. Additional information can be found here.

The Fernfahrerstammtisch Münster takes place every 1st Wednesday of the month at 5 pm at the Münsterland-Ost service area, BAB 1, direction Bremen. Additional information can be found on the website of the Münster police.


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