Civil courage award 2023

Civil courage award 2023
A big thank you this week...

A thank you to all the people who showed civil courage in the Warendorf district in 2023.

As every year, the head of the authorities and district administrator Dr. Olaf Gericke honoured courageous intervention in a wide variety of forms.

Whether it was following a drunk driver and preventing them from continuing their journey until the police arrived, saving the life of someone who saw no way out but to end it on their own, overpowering and detaining a shoplifter or providing first aid in a place where others were driving past. Each of those invited did a really good deed in their own way and saved strangers from harm through their courageous intervention.

"Sometimes it only takes a few seconds to save a life or prevent further harm. And when people don't think about it, but intervene immediately and courageously, provide first aid or thwart criminal acts, then that is really something special," said Dr. Olaf Gericke, head of the authorities, on Wednesday evening (07.02.2024). 22 men and women were delighted to receive their certificates of honor.

"It is always impressive to see what people do to help others or protect them from harm. I would like to thank every single person in the Warendorf district who does not look away and provides help where possible. They all contribute to making our lives a little safer," Gericke continued.

The head of the police department, Andrea Mersch-Schneider, also thanked each and every one of them in detail. Anyone can get into an emergency situation and anyone can help - for a better life together in the district of Warendorf. We say thank you.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110