Attend sporting events safely

Cheering soccer fans in the stadium international flags
Attend sporting events safely
Find out about existing safety instructions and facilities before attending a match, at the latest on site from the organizer in the stadium or the security personnel.
State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW

Even during the European Championships, avoiding danger is never a sign of cowardice, but a sign of common sense.

Safety-oriented behavior, as you know it from road traffic, applies to any movement in public spaces. Anticipatory behavior generally enables you to identify dangers and avoid them at an early stage. Your awareness of potential dangers and the avoidance of dangerous situations should not be seen as a restriction of your personal freedom, but rather as a gain for your safety.

This applies in particular when you attend sporting events such as the European Championships.

In order to improve the feeling of safety and actual safety in public spaces, the LKA NRW has also compiled prevention information for you when attending sporting events. You can find these in the download area on the right,

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110